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Diplomatic Protection

Part One

General Provisions

Article 1__Definition and scope

For the purposes of the present draft articles, diplomatic protection consists of the invocation by a State, through diplomatic action or other means of peaceful settlement, of the responsibility of another State for an injury caused by an internationally wrongful act of that State to a natural or legal person that is a national of the former State with a view to the implementation of such responsibility.

Article 2__Right to exercise diplomatic protection

A State has the right to exercise diplomatic protection in accordance with the present draft articles.

Part Two


Chapter I

General Principles

Article 3__Protection by the State of nationality

  1. The State entitled to exercise diplomatic protection is the State of nationality.

  2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, diplomatic protection may be exercised by a State in respect of a person that is not its national in accordance with draft article 8.

Chapter II

Natural Persons

Article 4__State of nationality of a natural person

For the purposes of the diplomatic protection of a natural person, a State of nationality means a State whose nationality that person has acquired, in accordance with the law of that State, by birth, descent, naturalization, succession of States or in any other manner, not inconsistent with international law.

Article 5__Continuous nationality of a natural person

  1. A State is entitled to exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a person who was a national of that State continuously from the date of injury to the date of the official presentation of the claim.  Continuity is presumed if that nationality existed at both these dates.

  2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, a State may exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a person who is its national at the date of the official presentation of the claim but was not a national at the date of injury, provided that the person had the nationality of a predecessor State or lost his or her previous nationality and acquired, for a reason unrelated to the bringing of the claim, the nationality of the former State in a manner not inconsistent with international law.

  3. Diplomatic protection shall not be exercised by the present State of nationality in respect of a person against a former State of nationality of that person for an injury caused when that person was a national of the former State of nationality and not of the present State of nationality.

  4. A State is no longer entitled to exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a person who acquires the nationality of the State against which the claim is brought after the date of the official presentation of the claim.

Article 6__Multiple nationality and claim against a third State

  1. Any State of which a dual or multiple national is a national may exercise diplomatic protection in respect of that national against a State of which that person is not a national.

  2. Two or more States of nationality may jointly exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a dual or multiple national.

Article 7__Multiple nationality and claim against a State of nationality

A State of nationality may not exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a person against a State of which that person is also a national unless the nationality of the former State is predominant, both at the date of injury and at the date of the official presentation of the claim.

Article 8__Stateless persons and refugees

  1. A State may exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a stateless person who, at the date of injury and at the date of the official presentation of the claim, is lawfully and habitually resident in that State.

  2. A State may exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a person who is recognized as a refugee by that State, in accordance with internationally accepted standards, when that person, at the date of injury and at the date of the official presentation of the claim, is lawfully and habitually resident in that State.

  3. Paragraph 2 does not apply in respect of an injury caused by an internationally wrongful act of the State of nationality of the refugee.

Chapter III

Legal Persons

Article 9__State of nationality of a corporation

For the purposes of the diplomatic protection of a corporation, the State of nationality means the State under whose law the corporation was incorporated.  However, when the corporation is controlled by nationals of another State or States and has no substantial business activities in the State of incorporation, and the seat of management and the financial control of the corporation are both located in another State, that State shall be regarded as the State of nationality.

Article 10__Continuous nationality o__f a corporation

  1. A State is entitled to exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a corporation that was a national of that State, or its predecessor State, continuously from the date of injury to the date of the official presentation of the claim.  Continuity is presumed if that nationality existed at both these dates.

  2. A State is no longer entitled to exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a corporation that acquires the nationality of the State against which the claim is brought after the presentation of the claim.

  3. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, a State continues to be entitled to exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a corporation which was its national at the date of injury and which, as the result of the injury, has ceased to exist according to the law of the State of incorporation.

Article 11__Protection of shareholders

A State of nationality of shareholders in a corporation shall not be entitled to exercise diplomatic protection in respect of such shareholders in the case of an injury to the corporation unless:

(a) the corporation has ceased to exist according to the law of the State of incorporation for a reason unrelated to the injury; or

(b) the corporation had, at the date of injury, the nationality of the State alleged to be responsible for causing the injury, and incorporation in that State was required by it as a precondition for doing business there.

Article 12__Direct injury to shareholders

To the extent that an internationally wrongful act of a State causes direct injury to the rights of shareholders as such, as distinct from those of the corporation itself, the State of nationality of any such shareholders is entitled to exercise diplomatic protection in respect of its nationals.

Article 13__Other legal persons

The principles contained in this chapter shall be applicable, as appropriate, to the diplomatic protection of legal persons other than corporations.

Part Three

Local Remedies

Article 14__Exhaustion of local remedies

  1. A State may not present an international claim in respect of an injury to a national or other person referred to in draft article 8 before the injured person has, subject to draft article 15, exhausted all local remedies.

  2. “Local remedies” means legal remedies which are open to an injured person before the judicial or administrative courts or bodies, whether ordinary or special, of the State alleged to be responsible for causing the injury.

  3. Local remedies shall be exhausted where an international claim, or request for a declaratory judgement related to the claim, is brought preponderantly on the basis of an injury to a national or other person referred to in draft article 8.

Article 15__Exceptions to the local remedies rule

Local remedies do not need to be exhausted where:

(a) there are no reasonably available local remedies to provide effective redress, or the local remedies provide no reasonable possibility of such redress;

(b) there is undue delay in the remedial process which is attributable to the State alleged to be responsible;

(c) there was no relevant connection between the injured person and the State alleged to be responsible at the date of injury;

(d) the injured person is manifestly precluded from pursuing local remedies; or

(e) the State alleged to be responsible has waived the requirement that local remedies be exhausted.

Part Four

Miscellaneous Provisions

Article 16__Actions or procedures other than diplomatic protection

The rights of States, natural persons, legal persons or other entities to resort under international law to actions or procedures other than diplomatic protection to secure redress for injury suffered as a result of an internationally wrongful act, are not affected by the present draft articles.

Article 17__Special rules of international law

The present draft articles do not apply to the extent that they are inconsistent with special rules of international law, such as treaty provisions for the protection of investments.

Article 18__Protection of ships’ crews

The right of the State of nationality of the members of the crew of a ship to exercise diplomatic protection is not affected by the right of the State of nationality of a ship to seek redress on behalf of such crew members, irrespective of their nationality, when they have been injured in connection with an injury to the vessel resulting from an internationally wrongful act.

Article 19__Recommended practice

A State entitled to exercise diplomatic protection according to the present draft articles, should:

(a) give due consideration to the possibility of exercising diplomatic protection, especially when a significant injury has occurred;

(b) take into account, wherever feasible, the views of injured persons with regard to resort to diplomatic protection and the reparation to be sought; and

(c) transfer to the injured person any compensation obtained for the injury from the responsible State subject to any reasonable deductions.


第一部分 一般规定

第一条 定义和范围


第二条 行使外交保护的权利


第二部分 国籍

第一章 一般原则

第三条 国籍国的保护

  1. 有权行使外交保护的国家是国籍国。
  2. 尽管有第1款的规定,国家也可以根据草案第八条对非其国民的人行使外交保护。

第二章 自然人

第四条 自然人的国籍国


第五条 自然人的连续国籍

  1. 国家有权对其从损害发生之日起至正式提出索赔之日止一直为其国民的人行使外交保护。如果在上述两个日期均具有该国籍,则推定具有连续性。
  2. 尽管有第1款的规定,国家可以对在正式提出索赔之日为其国民但在损害发生时不是其国民的人行使外交保护,前提是该人在损害发生时具有前身国家的国籍,或者失去了先前的国籍并以与提起索赔无关的原因获得了前国家的国籍,且方式符合国际法。
  3. 现国籍国不得对前任国籍国因在其作为前任国籍国国民而非现国籍国国民期间所受损害行使外交保护。
  4. 如果某人在正式提出索赔后获得被索赔国的国籍,现国籍国不再有权对该人行使外交保护。

第六条 多重国籍及对第三国的索赔

  1. 双重或多重国籍者所属的任何国家都可以对该人非其国民的国家行使外交保护。
  2. 两个或多个国籍国可以共同对双重或多重国籍者行使外交保护。

第七条 多重国籍及对国籍国的索赔


第八条 无国籍人和难民

  1. 国家可以对在损害发生之日和正式提出索赔之日合法且惯常居住在该国的无国籍人行使外交保护。
  2. 国家可以对根据国际公认标准被认定为难民的人行使外交保护,前提是该人在损害发生之日和正式提出索赔之日合法且惯常居住在该国。
  3. 第2款不适用于由难民原国籍国的国际不法行为造成的损害。

第三章 法人

第九条 公司的国籍国


第十条 公司的连续国籍

  1. 国家有权对其从损害发生之日起至正式提出索赔之日止一直为其国民或其前身国家的国民的公司行使外交保护。如果在上述两个日期均具有该国籍,则推定具有连续性。
  2. 如果公司在提出索赔后获得被索赔国的国籍,国家不再有权对该公司行使外交保护。
  3. 尽管有第1款的规定,如果公司在损害发生之日为其国民且由于损害原因根据成立国法律已不复存在,国家仍有权对该公司行使外交保护。

第十一条 股东的保护




第十二条 对股东的直接损害


第十三条 其他法人


第三部分 当地救济

第十四条 当地救济的用尽

  1. 在受损人按照第十五条的规定用尽所有当地救济之前,国家不得就其国民或其他根据草案第八条提到的人所受的损害提出国际索赔。
  2. “当地救济”是指受损人可以在被指称造成损害的国家的司法或行政法院或机构,无论是普通还是特别机构,寻求的法律救济。
  3. 当国际索赔或与索赔相关的宣告性判决主要是基于对国民或其他根据草案第八条提到的人的损害提出的,当地救济即视为已经用尽。

第十五条 当地救济规则的例外



第四部分 杂项规定

第十六条 外交保护以外的行动或程序


第十七条 国际法的特别规则


第十八条 船员的保护


第十九条 建议的做法

